Monday, November 21, 2011

Activity about England and London

El tema 2 de vuestro libro se desarrolla en Inglaterra, concretamente en Londres, así que, antes de comenzarlo vais a buscar información sobre este país y esta ciudad para aprender más cosas sobre ellos. ¿Os parece?
Para ello, pinchad en el enlace a "Wikipedia" que aparece en vuestro blog (se encuentra en la columna derecha), escribid "Inglaterra" y buscad las respuestas a las siguientes preguntas:

  1. Where's England?
  2. Locate England in your map.
  3. Draw its flag.
  4. What can you see in its coat of arms?
  5. What's the name of England's capital city?
  6. What's the name of its queen?
¿Sabéis ya más cosas sobre Inglaterra? Seguro que sí.
Una vez contestadas estas preguntas, buscad en "Wikipedia" Londres y contestad a las siguientes cuestiones.

  1. Locate London in your map.
  2. What can you see in its coat of arms?
  3. Is it only the capital city of England?
  4. What's the name of the more important river in London?

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Kylie Minogue & Nicole Kidman

Kylie Minogue is another important australian singer.
This is one of her newest songs.

Nicole Kidman is an actress, but she sings in some of her films. Do you like her?

Australian Aboriginals

Here there are some videos about australian aboriginals. You can listen to the didgeridoos and watch some boomerangs.

Famous people in Australia

This is a poster with the 100 more important artists in Australia. Do you know someone?

The Great Barrier Reef

These are some pictures of the Great Barrier Reef. Do you like it?
Do you know how long is it?
I hope your answers.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

An Australian singer: Olivia Newton-John

We've listened this song in class. Now you can watch the video clip.

1. What do you think about Olivia Newton-John?
2. What do you think about the song and its lyrics?
3. Have you watch the film "Grease"? Did you like it?